The name of Jesus is a profound topic for many believers, especially when it comes to the usage of the name "Yeshua" or "Yeshua HaMashiach." This discussion revolves around theological implications, linguistic challenges, and cultural perceptions. It's essential to explore why some prefer the name Yeshua over Jesus and what that signifies in various contexts. The Importance of Names in Theology Names carry significant weight in religious contexts. In Christianity, the name Jesus, derived from the Hebrew "Yeshua," means "salvation." Understanding the implications of this name is crucial for believers, as it ties directly to the identity of Christ as the Messiah. The New Testament clearly identifies Jesus as the Christ, a title that emphasizes His role as the anointed one who fulfills Old Testament prophecies. This raises the question: should we refer to Jesus as Yeshua? This question is not merely academic; it has real implications for faith ...
BiblicalStudies-À l’étude de la Bible est un blog qui a pour ambition de traiter les textes difficiles des Saintes Ecritures. Le but est de commencer par le livre de la Genèse jusqu’à Malachie. L’ambition est d’offrir une explication simple et concise à chaque problème majeur de l’Ancien Testament. Ecrit dans un format de problème-solution, le blog voudrait couvrir plus de six cent difficultés textuelles.